‘I am’ is aways a complaint.

About one and a half year ago I wrote this in a blog:
PS. I am already for long been busy trying to come up with a reflective piece of text about almost 20 years of satsang.
The working title is: Memories and musings of a counter dogmatician.
At the moment the structure seems to be going to be something like an introduction first, followed by a maximum of 108 separate pieces that will all start with: I am.

The quote is from the blog Time is a bitch. (Report of two meditations) hansvandergugten.nl/?p=4902

‘Caused’ by some ad random and some specific reasons, this 108 pieces of text project did not launch even one inch above ground level.

There were some preparations done already long ago.
I had found a nice capital I that could be used as a kind of Medieval start of those texts.

Last time in India I read three books by the Belgian philosopher Marc de Keesel.
(Alas, in Dutch only).
In one of those books I found a quote that has intrigued me since.
It is quoted in the book Auschwitz mon amour. A very impressive book that partly was for me a fresh up course about Sigmund Freud’s thinking.

The quote goes like this: ‘I am’ is aways a complaint.

(It is a diary entry from the young Gershom Scholem, quoted on page 156 in Benjamin Lazier’s book God interrupted. Heresy and the European Imagination between the World Wars.)

Instead of the 108 texts  starting all with I am that probably never will be written, I choose at this moment to create a use for the since long stored I am illustration.

Here it is:

am: that is always a complaint.


PS. Here you can find the quote in its original habitat: https://books.google.nl/books?redir_esc=y&id=yXDd7I3IGQgC&q=always+a+complaint#v=snippet&q=always%20a%20complaint&f=false

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